I just cleaned out my drawer. The one by the phone or where the phone used to be when we had phones in our home. You know the drawer, because everyone has one. The infamous DRAWER! This drawer holds the bills that still come to the house on paper. The drawer with all the kids Id's that came home free with school pictures (just in case your kid gets kidnapped ID). The drawer with all the extra keys to your house. The drawer with all the reward cards and coupons you were going to use 3 months ago. I even found a few pieces of broken jewelry that I was going to glue back together. (I'm pretty sure that was 2 years ago)

It doesn't matter how often I clean this drawer out it always seems to pile back up. Every time I clean it out I notoriously keep a few things. Like the jewelery I am for sure going to fix. I tried to weed out the reward cards. I just couldn't part with my Betos card, Yogurt Stop, Beans N Brew, Shopko, Cafe Rio, Mikado, Myotheraphy, Gold Nugget, Peppermill etc... The worst part about these reward cards is that they are in my DRAWER. When I arrive at one of these places I end up asking for a new one so I can combine points. I can't remember the phone number I used to sign up originally so all is lost and a new card is acquired. Mercy ME! I'm pretty dang sure the only reward card I have ever been rewarded for is Cafe Rio. And that's only because when I take my whole family one time the next one is free so I can use it twice in one week! I usually just forget I have one!
I think my memory is like my DRAWER. The older I get I find myself shoving things into my mind and forgetting they are there. I don't particularly shove the unpleasant things deep in that hidden spot of my mind. It isn't even my favorite things that I want to remember. It's all the stuff I have no where else to put. At 44 years old my mind is full people! Quit asking me to remember silly things! Like my kids Dr. appointments, to fill up the gas tank in my car, where I put my keys, if I fed the animals today, what day of the week it is, or what your Name is! I know your my friend and that I really like you and that should be enough right? If you please- Just gently remind me without drawing too much attention to the situation. I might remember your name the next time, but I wouldn't be surprised if I get it lost in that deep hidden spot again.
The problem is, I can't quite get up the gusto to clean out this drawer in my mind. It is way overflowing with mementos and just like my Cafe Rio card its a drawer that keeps rewarding me every time I open it! I just couldn't bare to part with one single solitary moment thus far. So Friends, Please be kind on me and my age. I fear it is only going to get worse. Just remember when I can't remember your name, its because I have a fond memory of you and me and I can't bare to give it up to make room for your name! LOL
Make some memories this week! -Tiff
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