As the Christmas season unfolds this year. Our family has much to be grateful for. We have been blessed beyond measure.
Early on in our marriage Simon and I decided to sacrifice much of what we were doing to follow Christ and his teachings. This was much more difficult than we thought. Why is it so easy to choose the wrong path and seems much more difficult to lead a path of righteousness? It took us many years and many mistakes to come to where we are today. Today I will only tell you of the right paths we took rather than all the forks in the road along the way.
First, we chose to teach our children of God the Eternal Father and in his Son, Jesus Christ and in the Holy Ghost. This started out small, as in prayers to our Heavenly Father. We sang songs of Jesus. We went to church and taught our children of the importance of Baptism and the Gift of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost has been a comforter to me in times of great need and sorrow. I know without a shadow of a doubt that it has whispered to my children and tried to lead them down the correct path. I also know that the Holy Ghost has left us in time of contention or wrong doings and I have asked in fervent prayer for this gift to return to my home or be present in my children's hearts when they needed it the most. I believe that this gift has protected my children when things could have been so much worse. I don't doubt its power to protect us.
Second, Simon and I chose to be Sealed for Time and All Eternity in the house of the Lord. So many people don't realize what this means. We made promises/covenants with the Lord to honor each other in every aspect of our lives. This covenant means so much more when promised to God the Lord of all creation. By doing this the Lord as promised/covenanted with us to bless and protect us and our posterity. I didn't really understand this until I had a child in great need of a multitude of blessings. Only then, have I come to realize the power of the promise! Because of my choices my children will forever be protected and blessed. I have witnessed small and grand miracles in the face of adversity when it comes to my children. You'll never understand this promise fully until such grave tragedy befalls your family and you witness the un-denying power of the Lord God reaching out his hand to lift you up. God's tender mercies have touched our lives and made us mighty in times of trial.
Lastly, we Love One Another. We love as Jesus loves us. Unconditionally, has been the hardest of all lessons for us. We love each other in spite of our faults, our mistakes and our misgivings, because this is what Jesus has taught. We truly love our friends, family, and neighbors. We try to be kind to strangers. We take pride in the world around us and the creatures that provide diversity to the earth. Most importantly, we love Jesus Christ and all that he sacrificed for us. Because of Christ my redeemer, I will be surround by the people I love through all Eternity. I believe that when you love Jesus Christ and live his commandments you become a true follower of Christ.
This year hosts of Angels have fought a war for my family. I truly believe that the war isn't over- it didn't just begin either- but has been going on for decades. This was just one of many battles that have been fought on my behalf. My attitude changed this year when I finally decided that we matter, I matter. We are all significant in the eyes of the Lord. Legions of people before us want us to return to God. It is our job to make and keep sacred covenants while on earth. I have learned that I need to uphold my end of the bargain and be a leader in my own battles. So many blessings were there for the taking, but I needed to ask of God. It has taken me over 20 prideful years to finally get it! It is soooo much easier to follow the commandments and follow the path of righteousness. I receive more blessings than I can count. I have an abundance in my life and my heart is full! I love the Lord God with all my soul. My heart is full this Christmas season. It is a magnitude of gratitude! My family is Blessed.
"Loved reading this!! What a beautiful family!!! Full of love, strength, and courage!! Thanks for sharing your testimony! Merry Christmas!!" Rebecca
"Beautiful and so inspiring! I enjoy reading your blog and thank you for the yummy treat yesterday! Merry Christmas" Shayne
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