As long as I can remember I have had a pet. My favorite cat was a stray Siamese kitten that we named Simo. The neighbor girl brought it home and her parents wouldn't let her keep it. I gladly brought it to my house and the begging began. To my surprise I was allowed to keep him. It was the cuddliest blue-eyed cat ever! A while later I brought another stray home. My mom let me keep it temporarily, on condition my dad ok'ed it permanently. The next morning after sleeping with it I awoke to find little bites all over my body. I was told it was fleas. Unfortunately, that cat didn't find a home with us.
My little brother had a thing for all living creatures, mostly reptiles. I grew up holding, feeding and caring for multiple snakes, lizards, newts, tadpoles, frogs, salamanders, tarantulas, hamsters, and on occasion a baby bird of some kind. Most of these creatures gave me the creeps. But I was the big sister and tried hard to keep it cool. One summer my brother collected black widow spiders in glass mason jars. I'll never forget how the neighbor boy, Ricky Delray screamed bloody murder when my brother dropped the glass jar and it shattered by our front door. My Mom saved the day! That day the spider found a quick death by foot stomping.
We had many a disastrous events with our pets. One day we came home to a smoldering slow burning mattress in my brother's room. The reptile light had inadvertently fell onto the mattress. Luck we came home before the house was burned down! My hamster turned out to be a mother to 3 cute little babies. I adored them so much, I think we can safely safe I loved them to death! They didn't last but a few days. Then the mother hamster ate them! I was scarred for life and never ever had another hamster again!
While my brother was busy selling reptiles to all the neighbor boys, I started my first business venture selling worms. This became lucrative for a young kid. I was able to buy all the candy I wanted and kept my fishing clientele happy. My dad and I invented this really cool contraption out of hangers. I still don't really understand the whole thing, but I do remember staking the grass with my cut hangers and wiring what I think was a extension cord, plugging it in and attaching it to my hangars. The worms would get electrocuted and come out of the ground like magic! I hand the biggest juiciest night crawlers in the neighborhood! I loved those worms!
When I graduated high school I bought my first dog. It was a cute little sheltie mix named Cajun. That dog loved me and I loved him. He drove around with me in my Suzuki Samuari with a bandana around his neck- long before it became cool to carry around your little blitzed out puppy. Sadly, he was run over after I got married.
Then came the Dalmatian puppy named Dempsey. That dog was so high strung! After that dog there was a long dry spell. We had babies and built a new house and I think we had a fish that ended up down the toilet.

Right before I had my last baby we adopted a 5 year old Great Dane. Her name was Little Bit, being she was the smallest from the litter. Weighing in at 150 she was not very little. She was a show dog and had won many awards before we got her. Her temperament was mild and loving. Her favorite thing was to sit on your lap or take naps with the baby boys. She lived with us for seven years. For a big dog she lived a long and very loved life. Simon took her to the vet on her last day. He called me on the way and said he couldn't do it because Little Bit was looking at him in the mirror. It devasted us all. Everyone of us cried big crocodile tears that day! After this painful event we didn't get another pet for a very long time.

Three years ago we finally replaced our Little Bit with another Great Dane. Harlo is a beautiful dog and Jaden was finally happy! In fact the whole family has been fully and completely in love with her. She loves to eat my banana bread off the counter and running at the ditch. She is so thrilled when you come home and super happy when she is invited her to jump up on the bed and sleep on Simon's pillow! hahah Don't tell Simon- he HATES that!!
Pets have a special place in my heart and I hope that I have taught my kids to love and respect animals too. They have taught me the pains of loss, the frustration of disappointment, the financial woes of responsibility, care giving and unconditional love. Great learning lessons in life!
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