As I started to read, I thought to myself, "After 23 years of marriage this book can't teach me a thing!" Ha- Well after a few chapters in- I was pleasantly surprised that I was right! It didn't teach me anything I didn't already know. What it did do, was give me a quick kick in the butt! It was a shocking reminder of the day to day rhythm we have moved into. The routine as you will. The get the kids to where they need to go with no quick kiss or even a have a good day. I'm sitting here just thinking- great... I gotta mix it up a bit, put my husband first again. Is that resentment I'm feeling? I was thinking our life was pretty good. But after a few chapters in, I'm rethinking that. Geez, and I'm feeling a bit foolish to be honest. I wonder, isn't this the cycle of marriage and kids? Fall in love, fall into a routine and live happily ever after? Apparently not! This marriage stuff takes WORK. It's a full time job. I was just getting settled into this job. Get the kids all grown up and slide into MYSELF. Time for ME! Well- didn't this book fall into my hands at just the right time? I've gotta get the hubby all buttered up for the next faze of life..."ME and HIM". The most important thing I read this week was "Women seem not to understand or underestimate the profound power they have over their husbands." I forgot all about this! I totally have the upper hand for my divine plan for "ME and HIM". I will get exactly what I want if I play my cards right.
Women seem not to understand, or underestimate, the profound power they have over their husbands.
Women seem not to understand, or underestimate, the profound power they have over their husbands.

1. Say "I love you" often and show it even more often. Hug, kiss, and hold hands.
2. Say "Thank you" for the things he does for you. Anywhere he takes you. Any gifts he gives you.
Any money he gives you - even if it's bill money. Show gratitude by saying thank you and acknowledging his effort.
4. Be kind and sweet. Never cut him down in front of people especially your children.
5. Think the best of him. Speak the best about him to others.
6. Allow him to do his job - Lead, Provide and Protect you in the best way he knows how.
7. Love him more than you love your children. Don't put your children in front of him in your life.
8. Stand by him when he disciplines your children.
9. Go to him for strength and let him come to you for comfort.
As you can see, I'm gonna be really super busy for the next little while! I've got to get a head start on a clean house, a yummy meal and a kiss at the door from his good looking wife! After all, my divine plan for Me and HIM just wouldn't be the same without HIM! If you see him smiling this week and his step a bit lighter- don't thank me, thank Dr. Laura!
I swear these palangis and there so-call Romance.. Oops I just remember I gotta go get my wife some roses and that box of chocolate .. Hahahahaha. Thx Fo da reminder Tiff.. Ofa Atu. Yess I'm a whimp.. Loll -Olisi
So sweet!- Gerilin Z.
As you know, I'm a huge Dr Laura fan. I reread that book every year to remind me of her wisdom.- Janice J.
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