How is it that many of us get so caught up in life that we miss the most important things?
Many years ago when the kids were small Simon and I struggled to balance our lives. Employment, financial status, homes, cars, and personal desires often clouded our judgment. It's so easy to justify the little things in life that seem harmless at the time. Taking that job that traveled out of state because we could use the extra money, or buy that car that we couldn't really afford, or go to lunch with a co-worker of the opposite sex, take that much needed vacation with the guys. I remember a time when we used to say, "You do you and I'll do me." All of these decisions had long standing consequences that affected our entire family. Some of them worse than others. We were guilty of young, inexperienced selfishness. Selfishness for the now, the immediate satisfaction without regards to our future. I think we may not be the only guilty couple of these mistakes. I call them mistakes because we ultimately changed our behavior for the better.

Simon and I now find satisfaction in being together. Together as a family. Together as a whole. After surviving a few doses of reality, friends and loved ones lost or broken up, heartbreak, and earth shattering despair, we asked each other, "what really matters most?" The answer was US!
Our family is morphing into little satellite families, high school kids and grand kids. We needed to find something that brought them back to US. So this year we decided to invest in an annual vacation that the entire family would stop what they were doing in life to join us no matter what. Lake Powell was the winner and we were fortunate enough to spend one week without internet, TV or the demands of life.
The family dynamics were astonishing! We talked more, loved more, played more, and worked more. Many times I would look around with tears in my eyes thinking this must be what heaven looks like. It wasn't just the place (granted it is one of the most beautiful) but it was the company. Surrounded by everyone we loved- we couldn't be more blessed.
We are all in different phases in life, but when we do a deep soul searching assesment of ourselves are we really happy with what we are focusing all of our attention on? Are we seeking the immediate satisfaction or are we investing in our future? Seek after, Invest in, and Create Memories in "What's Most Important"!
Love- Tiff