My daughter moved away 2.5 years ago. I cried because I was told things would change drastically. I missed her like crazy, but our relationship flourished with phone calls everyday and advice that she was willing to listen to. Living on an island 3500 miles away from home makes it virtually impossible for a visit. There was no coming home to do laundry on the weekends or Sunday dinners to catch up on the weekly events. Our relationship consisted of Skype calls with poor connections and planned phone calls that were 4 hours different in time zones. My girl quickly made friends with kids in the same situation, made them her family and eventually she married the love of her life.

Why are my feelings so intense when she leaves? Why does my heart ache and I can't stop the tears from rolling down my cheeks? Our family bond is so very powerful. I think its the same for most people. Family means everything. Our nephew taught us the motto FOE (Family Over Everything) and isn't it the truth? Nothing in this world can replace the most precious gifts in your life as those who belong to you. Humans are meant to be together, they are not meant to be separated from those that they love most dearly. Unfortunately, we forget so quickly how powerful and strong we are together. We take for granted the closeness and time we have to share. When someone is separated for a fair amount of time it reminds us of that need to be together once more.
The Fehoko's had a powerful month together and we were reminded of our eternal love and blessings that we fulfill for each other when we are together. This week, hug those around you, squeeze your teenagers hand, kiss your spouse, tell your family how much you love them, giggle with your kids. Be grateful you are together and be strong for one another. Always be mindful that they won't be around forever and then things will never be the same again!